critical angle of attack

critical angle of attack
критический угол атаки

Авиасловарь. . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "critical angle of attack" в других словарях:

  • critical angle of attack — noun see critical angle 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • Critical angle — can refer to: Critical angle (optics) the angle of incidence above which total internal reflection occurs Critical angle of attack, in aerodynamics; the angle of attack which produces the maximum lift coefficient Critical angle of repose, in… …   Wikipedia

  • Angle of attack — In this diagram, the black lines represent the flow of a fluid around a two dimensional airfoil shape. The angle α is the angle of attack. Angle of attack (AOA, α, Greek letter alpha) is a term used in fluid dynamics to describe the angle between …   Wikipedia

  • critical angle — 1. Optics. the minimum angle of incidence beyond which total internal reflection occurs for light traveling from a medium of higher to one of lower index of refraction; the angle of incidence for which refracted rays emerge tangent to the surface …   Universalium

  • critical angle — n. 1. Optics the smallest possible angle of incidence at which light rays are totally reflected 2. Aeron. that angle of attack at which the flow of air around an airfoil suddenly changes, with an abrupt reduction in lift and an increase of drag:… …   English World dictionary

  • critical angle — i. The minimum angle of incidence at which a radio wave of a particular frequency can strike the ionosphere and still be reflected back to the earth. Critical angle is a function of frequency; the higher the frequency, the larger the critical… …   Aviation dictionary

  • critical angle — noun a) The smallest angle of incidence for which light is totally reflected from a boundary between one medium and a less refractive one b) The smallest angle of attack of an airfoil at which lift suddenly decreases and drag suddenly increases …   Wiktionary

  • critical angle — crit′ical an′gle n. 1) opt the minimum angle of incidence beyond which total internal reflection occurs for light traveling from a medium of higher to one of lower index of refraction 2) aer. the angle of attack at which a sudden change in… …   From formal English to slang

  • critical angle — /ˌkrɪtɪkəl ˈæŋgəl/ (say .kritikuhl angguhl) noun 1. Optics the limiting angle of incidence for total internal reflection. 2. the angle of attack at which there is a sudden change in the airflow round an aerofoil with subsequent decrease in lift… …  

  • Angle of incidence — is a measure of deviation of something from straight on , for example: in the approach of a ray to a surface, or the angle at which the wing or horizontal tail of an airplane is installed on the fuselage, measured relative to the axis of the… …   Wikipedia

  • angle of incidence — noun the angle that a line makes with a line perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence • Syn: ↑incidence angle • Hypernyms: ↑angle • Hyponyms: ↑angle of attack, ↑critical angle …   Useful english dictionary

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